Thursday, August 30, 2012

product review: Luxy Extensions

Luxy Extensions

I previously purchased a set. I bought the 160 gram set. They are super long and super thick! I was really excited for these, but after the first time I wore them they were so matted! They become so tangled so easily! For as much 'hype' as they have I was expecting a amazing product! Over all I love them, but they weren't what I thought they were going to be. If you love extensions, and your willing to spend some money.. go for them! If you want your first pair I would go to Sally's beauty supply; they are easier to work with, and they have the colors right there in front of you, so you can pick which one is closet to your color. Also, make sure whatever extensions you get, they are human hair. With human hair you can curl, straighten, crimp, wave, color, and everything you could do to your own hair. If you have any questions about extensions feel free to ask! I've been wearing them since 9th grade (I'm a senior). I know a lot about them because when I buy them I want to be able to take care of them as much as I can!

luxy hair website
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